
  • Meditating light image
    Awakening,  Enlightenment,  Meditation,  Spirituality,  Yoga

    This Is All There Is – There is No ‘Point B’

    It became apparently clear to me in the past couple of years that the past and future don’t exist, they have no more solidity than a mist of smoke. Except the “IS”ness, the NOW-ness, everything else is a smoky mist. Just like we don’t DO the breathing, but the breathing happens by itself, we don’t digest the food, the digestion happens by itself, thoughts and words also just appear, and thinking and talking just happen by themselves. Do we know what thought would come in the next 20 seconds? Or what words would come out of our mouths in the next 20 seconds? Forget 20 seconds… next 5 seconds. Can…